The recent COVID-19 virus has drastically changed the way organizations operate and complete their day-to-day tasks. The resulted shelter-in-place and quarantine orders have forced organizations to shift to a mostly remote workforce, which creates new challenges for not only their current workers but also their new ones as companies now have to figure out how to remotely onboard their new hires.
In one of Smart ERP Solutions’ polls, approximately 75% of respondents said their hiring plans have not changed or are increasing over the next 12 months. However, many companies will likely either stay remote or have a phased reopening. No matter what the company’s COVID-19 plan is, it will still have to ensure compliance in onboarding documents such as I-9 and E-Verify. This requirement provides unique challenges as they require in-person verification.
In response, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has implemented some changes and relaxed some requirements around the E-Verify, which is imperative for any company moving forward and working in the face of COVID-19 to know. Firstly, if you are enrolled in E-Verify, there will be extended timeframes to take action to help resolve Tentative Nonconfirmations. E-Verify is extending the time frames to take action to resolve certain Tentative Nonconfirmations (TNCs) due to SSA and other office closures to the public.
For further information, see E-Verify What’s New and keep in touch with USCIS. Like I-9, organizations must check with their local legislation. For example, Florida has now enacted legislation requiring government employees and certain private employers to take part in E-Verify. Additionally, in many other states, if your company is involved in government contracts, you will likely have to take part in E-Verify as well.
For more resources, check out the following links to keep up with any updates on E-Verify.
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